Fox News poll: Majorities support new gun measures | Fox News

I just got off the phone with a staffer for Senator Cruz of Texas.  I was urging the Senator to not block the vote today on background checks on gun sales and expressed bewilderment that he would filibuster such a vote.  I told the guy that 80-90% of his constituents support background checks.  He gave a variety of answers, and I have included each with my response to him below: “There has been no poll on the bill” – true, but there have been many polls on universal background checks, specifically at gun shows and online sales, which is what … Continue reading this post


The Gun Debate: Lawmakers eye troubled background check system | Fox News

The Gun Debate: Lawmakers eye troubled background check system | Fox News. Good article that discusses the fact that the background check system is plagued by gross under-reporting of records of criminals and the mentally ill by a number of states.  At the center of the issue is the National Instant Criminal Background Check System or NICS.  As the article explained, even though Congress has passed legislation empowering the Department of Justice to address undereporting by states by using both intensives and penalties, DOJ has so far only used the carrots and not the sticks.  According to the Government Accountability Office:  44 states had … Continue reading this post
