Beautiful Disaster – The Republican Hoax of the Texas Miracle | Progress Texas

Beautiful Disaster – The Republican Hoax of the Texas Miracle | Progress Texas KIM PATE & PHILLIP MARTIN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2014 – See more at: Republicans like to talk about a “Texas Miracle,” in which conservative policies were a magic wand waved over the land that created a mystical utopia. It sounds like quite the tall tale – and that’s because it is. We call it a “Beautiful Disaster.” Falling high school graduation rates, last in the country in health care coverage, at the bottom in voter turnout and at at the bottom in air quality. Texas might … Continue reading this post


GOP governor implements GOP economics, disaster ensues – The Washington Post

At a time when most states are seeing higher revenues as the country recovers economically, Kansas’ revenues have plummeted. The result has been cuts to schools, cuts to higher education, cuts to libraries, and cuts to local health centers. Kansas’ job growth and income growth are lagging the nation’s. In response to the fiscal difficulties, Moody’s recently lowered the state’s bond rating. via GOP governor implements GOP economics, disaster ensues – The Washington Post.


Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale: Big Oil & Bad Air on the Texas Prairie | InsideClimate News

Editor’s Note: This Inside Climate News piece is some of the best journalism we have seen in years.  It’s a real case study in Laissez Faire Republican governance and why society can’t rely on the market to police itself as conservatives and libertarians would have us believe.  This is a story of market failure, legalized corruption, and the dangers of small government.  We highly recommend taking the time to read the full report by clicking on the below link, and have included the Summary Findings below: Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale: Big Oil & Bad Air on the Texas Prairie | … Continue reading this post


GOP Obamacare sabotage works

GOP Obamacare sabotage works. Incredible: Tuesday’s GOP response to the State of the Union featured “Bette in Spokane” whose insurance costs went way up under Obamacare.  It turns out though that Bette was the victim of GOP sabotage.  She took Republican advice and did NOT shop for a plan on the Exchange and got ripped off.  As this article points out:  “Even though the exchange could have gotten her a better deal, it was a better political outcome for Republicans that she didn’t avail herself of that option. And precisely because she didn’t, she was turned into a poster woman … Continue reading this post


2009 article reminds us that health insurance costs were rising far more than inflation before Obamacare

This is an article from 2009:  Health insurance costs rise far more than inflation – Sep. 15, 2009. The reason I post it is because it highlights the skyrocketing cost of healthcare BEFORE OBAMACARE WAS EVEN PASSED. Many opponents of Obamacare point to the still rising cost of healthcare and blame it on Obamacare (in fact costs have flattened for the first time in decades since Obamacare was passed, though it’s too early to know if it’s a trend).  The point is that the main reason Obama and Democrats moved mountains to pass such a transformitive law was because skyrocketing … Continue reading this post


Republicans reap the fruits of redistricting – The Maddow Blog

Republicans reap the fruits of redistricting – The Maddow Blog. This is fantastic analysis showing the raw 2012 vote results for the House in key states vs. the vote outcome in terms of the number of seats that went to each party in that state.  The key takeaway is that even in states where Democratic House candidates received a majority of votes, Republicans actually won a majority of House seats due to redistricting that gerrymanders safe Republican districts. For example, in Michigan, Democrats garnered 2,327,985 votes to Republicans 2,086,804, but thanks to gerrymandered districts, that resulted in Republicans winning 9 … Continue reading this post


The Tortuous History of Conservatives and the Individual Mandate – Forbes

The Tortuous History of Conservatives and the Individual Mandate – Forbes. This article provides a history of the “individual mandate:, the component of Obamacare that requires each American purchase health insurance.  As the article recounts, the individual mandate was originally a Republican idea design to achieve near-universal health care coverage while maintaining a private health care system.  In the early 90’s, House Republicans pushed the individual mandate as the alternative to Hillarycare, which would have implemented a Medicare-style single-payer (i.e. government sponsored) approach to universal health care. It is ironic that the individual mandate, which is now opposed by … Continue reading this post


A few thoughts on the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare)

Dear friends,  I write this email the day before new Health Insurance Marketplaces, or “Exchanges” will go live in each of your respective states and hours before attempts to defund the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by House Republicans results in a government shutdown that will put 800k federal employees out of work and will hurt the economy.   There’s a whole lot of misinformation and spin going on about the ACA, so I wanted to provide my thoughts on what the ACA is and what it isn’t.  I’ll start with some practical/informational items and will move on to broader issues with … Continue reading this post


Cost to add more solar, wind to U.S. West power grid is small – study | Reuters

Cost to add more solar, wind to U.S. West power grid is small – study | Reuters. Study shows the benefits of adding more wind and solar to the U.S. West power grid outweigh the costs of doing so.  Here’s the key quote:  “”Increased cycling to accommodate high levels of wind and solar generation increases operating costs by 2 percent to 5 percent for the average fossil-fueled plant,” Debra Lew, NREL project manager for the study, said in a release.   However, that is well below the estimated $7 billion per year that the increased use of wind and solar … Continue reading this post


The $200K lesson I learned from getting shot –

**Originally Published on**  The $200K lesson I learned from getting shot – How a health insurance check sent 6 hours before being shot saved my life. And what it means for you (and America) BY BRIAN BEUTLER A few weeks ago, I wrote an essay for this website about the time two young black men shot me in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the article was to bring a new and personal perspective to an ongoing debate about racial profiling that had grown particularly pitched at the time. This article is a preface to that story, which I hope will serve … Continue reading this post
